Brighton Pier (CC0)

5G Brighton Testbed Network and Innovation Programme Go Live

Digital Catapult, the University of Brighton, Wired Sussex, and the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) have announced the activation of the region's 5G cellular radio testbed network, based on previous networks developed by the Universities of Surrey and Bristol.

Launched at an event held at Brighton's FuseBox, the 5G network was used to showcase products and services from a range of local technology companies as part of the programme's effort to provide small business with access to cutting-edge 5G communications capabilities with space to test and explore novel applications in fields including virtual, augmented, and mixed reality (VR, AR, and MR.)

"The 5G Brighton testbed lets companies experiment with new applications and services which take advantage of the unique nature of 5G," explains Dr. Jeremy Silver, chief executive of Digital Catapult. "This is a major step forward in the wider roll out of this advanced technology, helping take the technology out of university labs and into the market. 5G represents more than just faster internet on the move, it’s the first mobile technology that, by design, enables free standing setup in individual locations, offers new companies the opportunity to control their own networks, and enables operators to manage computing at the edge as a new business model for the future."

"We are thrilled to have contributed Local Growth Funding towards the 5G Brighton project which is crucial to development key digital sectors in Brighton and the wider region as identified in our Strategic Economic Plan 'Gatwick 360,'" adds Coast to Capital LEP chief executive Jonathan Sharrock. "This project enables a number of our strategic priorities to progress including innovation and improving digital network capability. We look forward to working with partners to ensure that our area is well equipped to be at the forefront of emerging technologies and uphold our reputation as a great place to live, work and succeed."

The Brighton testbed network was developed with assistance from the University of Bristol and Lime Microsystems partner the University of Surrey, who have launched their own 5G testbed networks and innovation centres. More information on the Brighton 5G testbed can be found on the Digital Catapult website.