Antenna on Cliff with Clouds

CROWNCOM 2019 to Host Open Radio Platforms for 5G Research and Beyond Workshop

CROWNCOM 2019, the 14th EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks, is to play host to a workshop on the use of open radio platforms for 5G cellular communications research in June 2019, organised by Bastian Bloessl.

"The digital transformation of our society won’t be possible without the support of an appropriate mobile network infrastructure. The evolution of this network infrastructure needs to meet the requirements of 5G (and beyond) poses challenging research problems: higher bandwidths and lower latencies are being demanded together with the ability to serve a multiplicity and heterogeneity of devices," explains Bloessl of the inspiration behind the Open Radio Platforms for 5G Research and Beyond workshop he is organising. "On top of this, the network infrastructure evolution must take place in an energy-efficient and economically sustainable manner.

"Within this context, the existence of platforms and testbeds that can speed up mobile networks innovation and enable the validation and optimisation of new radio technologies already in an early phase of the development cycle is of paramount importance. Such platforms and testbeds are already playing a key role in testing and evaluating the performance achieved by new research ideas and developments. Moreover, these platforms are covering a broad set of research questions, some of them focusing on specific low-level aspects of wireless communications, and some others on the study of the entire end-to-end mobile network, including in some cases extensions tailored to the need of specific vertical industries (automotive, industry 4.0, eHealth, ect.). In addition, these platforms and testbeds have to be able to validate the most significant network KPIs under realistic conditions and in a controllable and reproducible manner."

Accordingly, the workshop will focus on presentations surrounding the latest developments of 5G-and-beyond research with a priority given to open source projects - "as they speed up innovation in the mobile networks ecosystem," Bloessl explains.

Bloessl has issued a call for participants in the workshop, asking anyone "working on (or with) interesting hardware or software prototypes" to get in touch via the official website. Proceedings from the event will be submitted for publication through Springer, Bloessl has confirmed, with selected authors being invited to submit extended versions for publication in the "New application domains for the cognitive-based solutions in the context of 5G and beyond" issue of the EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. Selected papers will also be invited for publication in the EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Transactions on Wireless Spectrum' journals.

More information is available on the official website, while the workshop itself is scheduled for the 11th-13th of June 2019 in Poznan, Poland.