
Gigabyte Virtual Show 2020

We are pleased to announce our partnership with Gigabyte on LimeNET 5G CrowdCell which will be showcased as part of the 5G Smart City on Gigabyte Virtual Show that kicks off tomorrow, Tuesday 30th June.

There will be two use cases presented, the first of which is for live immersive events where the high bandwidth low latency network services provided by the 5G CrowdCell, coupled with edge compute, makes it possible to support many concurrent live Ultra HD video streams, together with virtual and augmented reality applications.

The second use case is on healthcare and here the 5G CrowdCell can once again be used to provide a high bandwidth, low latency network for accessing the healthcare IT systems and support next generation applications, such as telemedicine. In addition to which, edge compute capabilities may be used together with local sensors, to measure staff and patient temperatures and provide this information along with location and proximity information.

The event starts at 09:00 AM (GMT+8) on Tuesday 30th and can be accessed via the Gigabyte Virtual Show 2020 page.