
Lime and ZyXEL collaborate

Lime Microsystems, the leading supplier of Field Programmable RF Transceiver (FPRF) ICs, and ZyXEL, a global leader in broadband networking technologies, are to collaborate in developing open source implementations for next generation wireless mobile networks.

The collaboration between Lime and ZyXEL is an important milestone in the adoption of open source ideology by major corporations. It is envisaged that this collaboration will lead to a more diverse, creative and cooperative way of developing technology and that this will result in greater interoperability and scalability in the deployment of wireless mobile networks.

Jimmy Chin, Head of Special Projects at Lime Microsystems, said, "We are pleased to be working with ZyXEL on this exciting project, for which we foresee the creation of carrier class open source basestation technologies, enabling innovative solutions in future wireless networks."

"Lime has been the driving force behind numerous open source projects that are gaining momentum with recent deployments. We believe this partnership will bring about the general availability of open source wireless solutions and enable new and exciting applications in the area," commented Wayne Hwang, Vice President of ZyXEL’s Gateway Business Unit.