Workshop on 6G Cellular Technologies Highlights the Importance of Software Defined Radio
The University of Strathclyde and techUK, in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) and the UK Spectrum Policy Forum (UK SPF), has announced a workshop on software defined radio (SDR) technology for 6G and beyond - highlighting how important SDR will be in the future of cellular networks.
The virtual workshop, which is to take place this Thursday, includes a series of presentations and discussions on the move from 5G to 6G cellular and beyond, and the importance of software defined radio technology to this move.
Malcolm Brew and David Crawford, from the University of Strathclyde, are to talk on 5G and 6G private networks which operate using SDR technology, as with Lime Microsystems' LimeNET CrowdCell and LimeNET Base Station products; Rob Maunder, of the University of Southampton, will follow with a look at how software defined radio can be used as a vehicle to commercialise academic research projects.
The University of Strathclyde's Kenneth Barlee is to talk on how adding machine learning and artificial intelligence to SDR technology, to create "cognitive software defined radio," can allow for more efficient use of spectrum allocations; which will be extended with a session on spectrum sharing using SDR technology.
Other sessions include a look at an SDR test-bed for spectrum-efficient beamforming systems, machine learning for 6G physical layer design, the challenge of "digital net zero," and a keynote from Ofcom's Richard Moore plus an introduction to the work of the UK SPF from chair David Meyer.
"The output from this series of workshops will be a White Paper for the UK SPF to present to government," techUK explained of the schedule, which will include additional events at the Universities of Surrey and Bristol, "that validates the research projects as relevant to UK 6G research priorities, identifies gaps, suggests opportunities for collaboration, looks at the adequacy of research funding streams and flag potential implications for 6G spectrum policy."
The event is free to attend and open to all, with booking available on the techUK website. A recording will be made available for those who cannot attend on the day.